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Friday, April 16, 2010

Department Elective-IV

1. CSE-440 Distributed Operating System

2. CSE-442 Software Quality Models & Testing

3. CSE-444 Bioinformatics

4. CSE-446 Expert Systems

5. CSE-448 Real Time System & Software

6. CSE-450 Software Verification, Validation & Testing

Departmental Elective-V

1. CSE-472 Object Oriented Software Engineering

2. CSE-474 Simulation & Modeling

3. CSE-476 Date Warehousing & Date Mining

Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic

CSE-402 Theory : 100

L T P Sessional : 50

4 1 -


Introduction: Concept of Neural Networks, Characteristics of Neural Networks, Historical perspective and application of Neural Networks.

Fundamental of Neural Networks: The Biological prototype, Neuron concept, Single layer Neural Networks, Multi Layer Neural Networks, Terminology, Notation and representation of Neural Networks, Training of Artificial Neural Networks.

Representation of Perceptron and issues, Perceptron learning and training, classification, liner separability.


Hopfield nets: Structure, training , and applications, stability

Back propagation: Concept, Applications, and Back Propagation Training Algorithms:

Counter Propagation Networks: Kohonan Network, Grossberg Layer & Training, application of counter propagation, Image classification.


Bi-directional Associat4th

e Memories: Structure, retrieving a stored association, encoding associations, memory capacity.

ART: ART architecture, ART classification operation, ART implementation, and characteristics of ART.


Optical Neural Networks: Vector Matrix Multipliers, Hop field net using Electro optical matrix multipliers, Holographic correlator, Optical Hopfield net using Volume Holograms.

The Cognitrons and Neocognitrons: Their structure and training.

Genetic Algorithms : Elements, a simple genetic algorithm, working of genetic algorithms evolving neural networks.

Operating Systems: Real Time Functions and Services, OS Architectures-Real Time UNIX and POSIX, Issues in Task management-Processes and Threads, Scheduling Synchronization and communication.

Note: - There will be 8 question in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Real-Time Systems and software by Alan C. Shaw; John Wiley & Sons Inc

Interactive Computer Graphics


L T P Theory: 100

4 I - Sessional: 25


Display Devices: Line and point plotting systems: Raster, vector, pixel and point plotters, Continual refresh and storage displays, Digital frame buffer, Plasma panel display, Very high-resolution devices. High-speed drawing, Display processors, Character generators, Colour Display techniques (shadow mask and penetration CRT, colour look-up tables, analog false colours, hard copy colour printers)


Display Description: Screen co-ordinates; user co-ordinates, Graphical data structures (compressed incremental list, vector list, use of homogeneous coordinates); Display code generation Graphical functions: the view algorithm. Two-dimensional transformation, Line drawing, Circle drawing algorithms.


Interactive graphics: Pointing and position devices (cursor, lightpen, digitizing tablet, the mouse, track balls). Interactive graphical techniques, Positioning (Elastic or Rubber Band lines, Linking, zooming, panning clipping, windowing, scissoring). Mouse programming.


3-D Graphics: Wire-frame, perspective display, perspective depth, projective transformations, Hidden line and surface elimination, Transparent solids, shading. Two-dimensional transformations, 3-dimensional transformations, Interactive Graphical Techniques GUI.

Note:- There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Giloi, W.K. Interactive Computer Graphic, Prentice Hall


Newman, W. Sproul, R.F. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphic, McGraw Hill


Harrington, S. Computer Graphic: A Programming Approach, Tata McGraw Hill


Hearn, D. Baker, Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall


Kelley Bootle, Mastering Turbo C


Neural Networks Practicals


L T P Practical :50

- 3 Sessional: 50

Design & train


NN for AND ,OR gate using perception.


Perception to classify odd and even numbers.


NN for alphabet recognition using backpropagation.


Hopfield n/w for recognizing patterns such as ‘+’ and ‘-‘.


Nn for EX-OR classification using Back propagation.


CPN for image classification.


Name and telephone number recognition system.

Departmental Elective-IV

Distributed Operating System (CSE-440)

L T P Theory : 75

3 1 - Sessional : 50


Architecture of distributed operating system: Introduction, motivation, system architecture type, issues in distributed operating system, Communication primitive.


Distributed mutual Inclusion: Introduction, classification, preliminaries,simple solution, non token based algorithm,Lamport algorithm,Ricart algorithm,Maekowa’s algorithm, A generalized non token based algorithm, Broadcast algorithm, Heuristic algorithm, tree based algorithm, comparative performance analysis.


Distributed deadlock detection: Introduction, deadlock handling strategies, issues in deadlock detection & resolution, Control organization, centralized, distributed & hierarchical detection algorithm.



Distributed File System: Introduction, architecture, mechanism for building, design issues, log structured file system.

Distributed Scheduling: Introduction, motivation, issues in load distribution, component of load algorithm, stabilizing load distribution algorithm, performance comparison, selection of a suitable load sharing algorithm, requirement for load distribution, task migration, issues in task migration. Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Mukesh Singhal & N.G Shivaratri: Advanced Concepts in OS


AS Tanenbaum: Modern OS PHI

A.Silberschatz,P.Galving,G.Gahne: Applied O.S Concepts

Expert Systems

(Departmental Elective – IV)


Theory : 75

L T P Sessional : 50

3 1 -


Feature of expert system, Representation and organization of knowledge, Basics characteristics, types of problems handled by expert systems, Case study of PROSPECTOR.


Expert system Tools: Techniques of knowledge representations in expert systems, knowledge engineering, System-building aids, support facilities, stage in the development of expert systems.


Building an Expert System: Expert system development, Selection of tool, Acquiring knowledge, Building process.


Problems with Expert Systems: Difficulties, common pitfalls in planning, dealing with domain expert, difficulties during development.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Waterman D.A.A Guide to Expert Systems, Addison Wesley Longman


Hayes-Roth, Lenat and Waterman: Building Expert Systems, Addison Wesley


Weiss S.M. and Kulikowski C.A.A Practical Guide to Designing Expert Systems, Rowman & Allanheld, New Jersey

Software Verification, Validation & Testing

(Departmental Elective – IV)

CSE-450 Theory : 75

L T P Sessional : 50

3 1 -


Introduction: What is software testing and why it is so hard?, Error, Fault, Failure, Incident, Test Cases, Testing Process, Limitations of Testing, No absolute proof of correctness, overview of Graph Theory & Discrete Mathematics.

Functional Testing: Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Class Testing, Decision Table Based Testing, Cause Effect Graphing Technique.


Structural Testing: Path Testing, DD-Paths, Cyclomatic Complexity, Graph Metrics, Data Flow Testing, Mutation testing.

Reducing the number of test cases:

Prioritization guidelines, Priority category, Scheme, Risk Analysis, Regression Testing, Slice testing


Testing Activities: Unit Testing, Levels of Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Debugging, Domain Testing,

Object Oriented Testing : Issues in Object Oriented Testing, Class Testing, GUI Testing, Object Oriented Integration and System Testing.


Testing Tools : Static Testing, Dynamic Testing Tools, Characteristics of Modern Tools.

Note: - There will be 8 question in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.


1. William Perry, “effective Methods for Softeware Testing:, John Wiley & Sonsm New York, 1995.


Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, Nguyen Quoe, “Testing Computer Software”, Second Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993.


Boris Beizer, “Software Testing Techniques”, Secdond Volume, Second Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990.


Louise Tamres, “Software Testing”, Pearson Education Asia, 2002.


Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Appraoch”, Fifth Edition, MsGraw-Hill International Edition, New Delhi, 2001.


Boris Beizer, “Black-Box Testing – Techniques for Functional Testing of Software and Systems”, John Wiley & Sons Inc.., New York, 1995.


K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh, “Software Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.


Marc Roper, “Software Testing”, McGraw-Hill Book Co., London, 1994.


Gordon Schulmeyer, “Zero Defect Software”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990.


Watts Humphrey, “Managing the Software Process:, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. Inc., Massachusetts, 1989.


Boris Beizer, “Software System Testing and Quality Assuarance”, Van Nostrand Beizer, New York, 1984.


Glenford Myers, “The Art of Software Testing”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1979.

Object Oriented Software Engineering

(Departmental Elective – V)


Theory : 75

L T P Sessional : 50

3 1 -


Design Objects, Class Hierarchy, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Object relationships and associations, Aggregations and Object Containment, Objec-t Persistence, Meta –classes. Object-oriented system development life cycle, Software development process object oriented systems development: a use-case driven approach.


Object modeling techniques as software as software engineering methodology, Rumbaugh methodology, Jacobson methodology, Booch methodology, Patterns, frameworks, the unified modeling language (UML).


Analysis Process, Use-Case Driven Object Oriented Analysis, Use-Case Model, Object Classification, Theory, Different Approaches for identifying classes, classes, responsibilities and collaborators, identifying Object Relationships, attributes and Methods, super-sub class relationship, Apart of Relationship-Aggregation, Class Responsibilities, Object Responsibilities.


Object Oriented design process, corollaries, design axioms, design patterns, object oriented design philosophy, UML Object Constraint Language, Designing Classes: The Process, Class Visibility, Refining Attributes, Designing Methods and Protocols, Packages and managing classes, Designing interface objects, View layer interface design, Macro and Micro level interface design process.

Note: - There will be 8 question in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Ali Bahrami, Object Oriented Systems Development, : McGraw Hill, 1999


Rumbaugh et.al., Object Oriented Modeling and Design, PHI, 1997


Forouzan, Coombs and Fegan: Introduction to data Communications and Networks TMH, 1999.


Willam Stalling: Data and Computer Communications 5/e, PHI.

Simulation and Modeling

(Departmental Elective – V)


Theory : 75

L T P Sessional : 50

3 1 -


Introduction: System Concepts, System boundaries and environment, continuous and discrete systems, system modeling, types of Models, Modeling methodology, Model validation, Principles & Nature of Computer modeling and simulation.


Continuous and Discrete: Analog us. Digital Simulation, Continuous simulation vs. Numerical Integration, Concepts of simulation of continuous and discrete system with the help of live example, generation of random numbers, generation of non-uniformly distributed random numbers, generation of Poisson and Erlang variates.


Simulators for the Live systems: Simulation of a water reservoir system, Simulation of a hypothetical computer, Simulation of queuing Systems, basic concepts of queuing theory, simulation of single server, two server and general queuing theory, simulation in inventory control systems, elements of Inventory theory, inventory models, simulators for complex inventory systems.


Design and Evaluation of Simulation Experiments: Length of simulation, run variance reduction techniques, Experiment layout and Validation.

Note: - There will be 8 question in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Gordon G.: System Simulation, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 1993


Narsingh Deo: System Simulation with Digital Computer:, PHI New Delhi 1993


Neelankavil Frances: Computer Simulation and Modeling, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987


Payne, James A., Introduction to Simulation: Programming Techniques and Methods of Analysis, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Computer Science Services, New York (1998)


Reitam Julian: Computer Simulation Experiments, Wiley Interscience 1971

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

(Departmental Elective – V)


Theory : 75

L T P Sessional : 50

3 1 -


Data Warehousing: Definition, Scope, Practical Implications, Structures and functions.

Data Mining : Process, Technologies & Rules, platform tools & tool characteristics, operational vs. information systems.


Types of Data Warehouses: Host based, single stage, LAN based, Multistage, stationary distributed & virtual data-warehouses.


Data warehouses Architecture: Operational data & operational data bases. Data warehouse architecture model, 2-tier, 3-tier & 4-tier data warehouses.

OLAP & DSS support in data warehouses.


Data Mining : Knowledge discovery through statistical techniques, Knowledge discovery through neural network, Fuzzy tech. & genetic algorithms.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



“Building the Data Warehouse”, W.H.lnmon, John Wiley & Sons.


“Developing the Data Warehouse”, W.H.Lnmon, Cc.Kelly, John Wiley & Sons.


“Managing the Data Warehouse”, W.H.Lnmon. C.L.Gassey, John Wiley & Sons.


“Advances in knowledge discovery & Data Mining”, Fayyad, Usama M.et. al., MIT Press.


“Data Mining”, A.K.Pujari; Longman Publisher.

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Department Elective-II

1. CSE-441 Software Project Management

2. CSE-443 Embedded System Design

3. CSE-445 Artificial Intelligence

4. CSE-447 Image Processing

Departmental Elective-III

1. CSE-471 Unix & Linux Programming

2. CSE-473 Security & Cryptography

Compiler Design

CSE-401 Theory : 100

L T P Sessional : 25

4 1 -


Assemblers, linkers, loaders, compilers and translators, the structure of compiler, different states in the construction of a compiler, Design of lexical analyzer, Basic Parsing Techniques, Parsers, shift-reduce parsing, operator-precedence parsing, top-down parsing predictive parsers, L.R. Parsers, the canonical collection of L.R (O) items, construction of SLR parsing tables, construction canonical L.R. Parsing tables, Constructing LALR parsing tables implementation of L.R. Parsing tables.


Syntax-Directed Translation: Syntax-directed translation schemes, implementation of syntax directed translators, intermediate code, postfix notation, parse trees and syntax trees, three address code, quadruples, and triples, translation of assignment statements. Boolean expressions, control statements.

Symbol Labels

The contents of a symbol table data structures for symbol tables representing scope information.


Run time storage Administration : Implementation of a simple stack allocation scheme, implementation of block structured languages, storage allocation in block structured languages.

Error Detection and Recovery : Error, Lexical-phase errors, syntactic-phase errors, semantic errors.


Code Optimization: The Principle sources of optimization, loop optimization, the DAG representation of basic blocks, value number and algebraic laws, global dataflow analysis.

Code Generation: Object programs, problems in code generation, a machine model, a single code generator, register allocation and assignment, code generation from DAGs, peephole optimization.

Note: - There will be 8 question in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.

Books :


Aho A.V. and ullaman J.D.Principles of Compiler Design, Addison Wesley


Donovan, j, System Programming, TMH


D.M. Dhamdhere: Compiler Construction- Principles and practice Mc Milan India


David Grics : Compiler Construction for digital computer

Web Engineering

CSE-403 Theory : 75

L T P Sessional : 25

3 1 -


Information Architecture : The role of information Architect, Collaboration and communication, Organizing information, organizational challenges, Organizing web sites and Intranets, Creating cohesive organization systems, designing navigation systems, types of navigation systems, Integrated navigation elements, designing elegant navigation systems, Searching systems, Searching your web site, designing the search interface, Indexing the right stuff, To search or not to search grouping content, conceptual design, High level Architecture Blueprint, Architectural Page Mockups, Design Sketches.


Dynamic HTML and Web Designing : HTML Basic concepts, Good web design, process of web publishing phases of web site development, STRUCTURE OF HTML documents, HTML elements-Core attributes, Language attributes, Core events, Block level events, Text level events, Linking basics, Linking in HTML, Images and Anchors, Anchor Attributes, Image maps, Semantic linking meta information, image preliminaries, Image download issues, Images and buttons, introduction to layout: Backgrounds, color and text, fonts, layout with tables, Advance layout: frames and layers, HTML and other media types. Audio support in browsers, video support, other binary formats. Style sheets, positioning with style sheets. Basic interactivity and HTML: FORM, form control, new and emerging form elements.


CGI Using PERL: Introduction to CGI, Alternative technologies, the Hypertext transport protocol , URLs, HTTP, Browser requests, Server responses, proxies, connects negotiation, the common gateway interface , the CGI environment, Environment variables, CGI output, forms and CGI, sending data to the server , form Tags ,Decoding from input, Architectural Guidelines ,Coding Guidelines Efficiency and optimization .

Unit –4

Java server pages : Basics, Integrating Scripts n JSPs, JSP object and components , comforting and troubleshooting, JSP : Request and response objects, retrieving the contents of an HTML format, retrieving a Query string, Working with Beans, Cookies, Creating and Reading Cookies, Using Application Objects and Events

XML : Relationship between HTML, SGML and XML, Basic XML, Valid documents, ways to use XML, XML for data files, embedding XML into HTML documents, Converting XML to HTML for Display, Displaying XML using CSS and XSL, rewriting HTML as XML, the future of XML.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Thomas A Powell, HTML The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.


SCSEt Guelich, Shishir Gundavaram, Gunther Birzneik; CGI Programming with PERL 2/e, O’ Reilly.


Doug Tidwell, James Snell, Pavel Kulchenko; Programming web services with SOAP, O’ Reilly.


Pardi, XML in Action, Web Technology, PHI


Yong, XML step by step, PHI


Aaron, Weiss, Rebecca Taply, Kim Daniels, Stuven Mulder, Jeff Kaneshki, Web Authoring Desk reference. Techmedia publications

Statistical Models for Computer Science

CSE-405 Theory : 100

L T P Sessional : 25

4 1 -


Probability Models, Sample Space, Events, their algebra, graphical methods of representing events, Probability Axioms and their applications, Condition probability, Independence of Events, Bayes’ Rule and Bernoulli Trials.


Random variable, and their event space, probability mass function, Distribution functions, some discrete distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric, Negative Binomial, Poisson, Hyper Geometric and Uniform), Probability Generating Function, Discrete random vectors. Continuous random variables: some continuous distributions (Exponential, Hyperexponential, Erlang, Gamma, Normal), Functions of random variables, jointly distributed random variables, Expectation, Expectation of functions of more than one random variable, Brief introduction to Conditional pmf: pdf and expectation, Moments and transforms of some distributions (Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric, Poisson, Exponential, Gamma, Normal), Computation of mean time to failure.

Unit –3

Stochastic Processes,Classification of stochastic processes,the Bernoulli process,the possion process,renewal process,renewal model of program behaviour


Markov Chains, Computation of n-step transition probabilities, Stat classification and limiting distributions, Distribution of times between state changes, Irreducible finite chains with aperiodic states, M/G/I queuing system, Discrete parameter Birth-Death processes, Analysis of program execution time. Continuous parameter Markov Chains, Birth-Death process with special cases, Non-Birth-Death Processes.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



K.S. Trivedi, Probability, Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, PHI, 2001.


J.F. Hayes Modeling of Computer Communication Networks, Khanna Publishing, Delhi


W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its applications. 2vols. Wiley Eastern, 1975


L. Kleinroek, Queuing Systems, 2vols, John Wiley, 1976.

Unix & Linux Programming (Pr)

CSE-407 Theory : 50

L T P Sessional : 50

- - *1+2


Familiarize with Unix/Linux logging/logout and simple commands.


Familiarize with vi editor.


Using Bash shell develop simple shell programs.


develop advanced shell programs using grep, fgrep & egrep.


Comile and debug various C programs using different options.


learning of installation and upgradation of Linux operating system.


Install, Linux on a PC having some other previously installed operating system. All Oss should be usable.


As supervisor create and maintain user accounts, learn package installation, taking backups, creation of scripts for file and user management, creation of startup and shutdown scripts using at, cron etc.

Note: Atleast 5 to 10 more exercises are to be given by the teacher concerned.

Teacher are supposed to devote I period for giving instructions to clear the concepts UNIX & Linux and 2 periods for the lab work.

Web Engineering(pr.)

CSE-409 Theory : 25

L T P Sessional : 25

- - 2


Chalk out the storyboard and design of Diary Food Limited. As the name reflects your site diary products and aims at opening an online store. Your story board should cover all the features that you plan to have on the site.


Create your own page with your favorite hobbies.


Create a menu or a table of content web page. Each menu item or section of the table of content should load a different web page. For example, if the user clicks on menu one or section I then the link should take him to respective menu html or section and so on.


Create a web site for your college.


Create a frameset that is divided into three sections. The frameset should have three zones.

The Topmost section of the frameset should take up about just 15% of the browser window. Name this frame title.

The middle section should be 70% of the browser window. Name this frame title.

The lower section should be 15% of the browser window. Name this frame menu. Crteate pages for each section. For the lowermost section, create page that loads the content into the middle section. The topmost section should contain a page describing the web page itself.


Create a web page, which displays the map of your country Link, each city/state on the image map, such that the respective HTML page of the city/state is displayed when the user selects an area.


Add the tickertape applet to your page by customizing it for the following settings:

Increase the count by one.

Accordingly update the message count.

Change the text color to (237, 192, 171)

Experiment with changing the scrolling speed.

Customize the message text as per your page requirement.


Incorporate a quest book into the Diary Food Webpage and use Java Script to build validations into the form.


Use Style sheet to modify the following:

Change background to modify the following.

Change font type, face and color.

Align Text.

Remove underlines from hyperlinks.

10. Use Microsoft’s Personal Web Server to set up your Website.

Software Project Management


(Departmental Elective II)

L T P Theory : 75

3 1 - Sessional : 50


Conventional Software Management : Evolution of software economics, Improving software economics: reducing product size, software processes, team effectiveness, automation through, Software environments, Principles of modem software management.


Software Management Process : Framework,: Life cycle phases- inception, elaboration, construction and training phase. Artifacts of the process- the artifact sets, management artifacts, engineering artifacts, and pragmatics artifacts, Model based software architectures, Workflows of the process, Checkpoints of the process.


Software Management Disciplines : Iterative process planning, Project organizations and responsibilities, Process automation, Project control and process instrumentation core metrics, management indicators, life cycle expectations, Process discriminates.

NOTE : There will be 8 questions in all. Two questions will be set from each unit.



Software Project Management, Walker Royee, Addison Wesley, 1998


Project management 2/e, Maylor.


Managing the Software Process, Humphrey.


Managing Global Software Projects. Ramesh, TMfH, 2001

Embedded System Design


(Departmental Elective II)

L T P Theory : 75

3 1 - Sessional : 50


Introduction to an embedded systems and its design : Introduction to ES & its applications. Design parameters of an ES and its significance (with respect to all parameter), Present trends in ES, Embedded system design life cycle, product specifications and hardware, software partitioning, Co-design.

RTOS & its overview:

Spell of OS 2 difference between OS 2 RTOS, Role of RTOS in ES 2 its process models (Process transition diagram), Course structure, Overview Window, CE, Unix, Mino Kernnel, UCOs & RT linux, Interrupt Roatining in RTOS & Inblow response cycle, Different IPC machines in RTOS, Scheduling construm in RTOS (hand 2 soft), Memory sowing and its protechan, Encapsulation of Semephores and Queues, Timon in RTOS (Watch dog timer)


Processor Selection : Role of processor selection in ES (MP V/s Uc), Mino control-8051, 16232 bit mino controller 2 its processor, More about micro controller applications with respect to embedded system design, DSP’s in ES, New trends in processing and DSP’s.

Cost Compiler and cross assembly for embedded systems

Why we need cross compiler/ Assemble, Embedded software development take chain and software development tool chain, Compiler linker, locators, cross assembles, GCC compiler.


Basic Concepts of Device Driving : Device drives introduction & how device are different from the normal ports, Sevical Communication enterface device drivers.

System Synthesis and Debugging Techniques:

Introduction to system synthesis & Hardware and Software, Biomulation & methods to improve to speed of simulations, Emulators (ICE) and its type, How emolutors an difference for simulations, Introduction JTAG and OCP (on chich and debugging)


Communication Protocols with reference to ES: Introduction to protocol, why we need in Es, Overview TCP(IP), UDD< wings protocols, IrDA, Blue Box, IEEE 8811

Other design issues and current trends on its application of ES

Memory optimization, Poorer optimization. Co-similation of its system on chip and SOS (System on Slices), Revision of Cost

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



John Catosulis, “Designing Embedded Hardware”, O’ reilly


An Embedded Software Primer”, David E. Simon, Pearson Education


Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, “Embedded System Design” John Wiley & Sons, Inc


Karim Yaghmour, “Building Embedded Linux System”, O’reilly


Michael Barr, “Programming Embedded Systems”, O’reilly.


Aian C. Shaw, “Real-time system & Software”, John Wiley & sons, Inc.


Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components”, Harcourt India Pvt. Ltd.

Artificial Intelligence


(Departmental Elective II)

L T P Theory : 75

3 1 - Sessional : 50


Introduction: Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Evolution of Computing History of AI, Classical Romantic and modern period, Subject area, Architecture of AI machines, logic family, classification of logic.

Production System: Production rules, the working memory, Recognize-act cycle, conflict resolution by meta rules, Architecture of production system.


Propositional Logic: Proposition, tautologies, Theorem proving, Semantic method of theorem proving, forward chaining, backward chaining standard theorems, method of substitution, Theorem proving using Wang’s algorithm.

Predicate Logic: Alphabet of first order logic(FOL), predicate, well formed formula, clause form, algorithm for writing sentence into clause form, Unification of predicates, unification algorithm, resolution Robinson’s interface rule, Scene interpretation using predicate logic.


Default and Non monotonic Logic: Axiomatic theory, Monotonicity, non-atomic reasoning using McDermott’s NML-I, problems with NML-I, reasoning with NML-II, Case study of Truth Maintenance System(TMS), neural network fundamentals.

Imprecision and Uncertainty: Definition, Probabilistic techniques, Certainty factor based reasoning, conditional probability, Medical diagnosis problem, Baye’s Theorem and its limitations, Bayesian belief network, propagation of belief, Dumpster-Shafer theory of uncertainty management, belief interval, Fuzzy relation, inverse Fuzzy relations, Fuzzy post inverse, Fuzzy Inversion,


Intelligent Search Techniques: Heuristic function, AND-OR graph, OR Graph, Heuristic search, A* algorithm and examples.

Logic Programming with Prolog: Logic program, Horn clause, program for scene interpretation, unification of goals, SLD resolution, SLD tree, flow of satisfaction, controlling back track using CUT, Command use of CUT, implementation of backtracking using stack, risk of using cuts, fail predicate, application of cut-fail combination, replacing cut-fail by not.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two questions will be set from each unit students are3 required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



A.Konar: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing-Behavioral and Cognitive Modeling of Human Brain, CRC Press, USA.


E. Charniak and D.McDermott: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Addison Welley Longman.


Rich and Knight: Artificial Intelligence, 2/e 1992

Image Processing


(Departmental Elective II)

L T P Theory : 75

3 1 - Sessional : 50


Image Processing Fourier Transform and Z-Transform, Causality and Stability, Toeplit and Circulate Metrics, orthogonal and unitary Matrices and Kroenker product, Markov Processes KI Transform Mean Square Estimates and Orthogonal Principles.

Image Sampling quantization, Band Limited Image Sampling Versus Replication, Reconstruction of image from samples Sampling Theorem, Sampling Theorem for Random Fields, Sampling Optimal Sampling, Nonrectangular Grid Sampling, Sampling Aperture, Display Aperture/Interpolation Functions, Lang range Interpolation, Moire Effect, Image Quantization Uniform Optimal Quantizer, Properties of Mean Square Quantizer, Commands Design Visual Quantization.


Image Transforms: Two Dimensional Orthogonal and Unitary Transforms and their properties. One Dimensional and Two Dimensional DFT Cosine and Sine Transforms Iiadmard, slant, IIARR and KI, Transforms and their properties, Approximation to KI Transforms. Image representation by stochastic model, One Dimensional Causal Models, AR and ARMA models, Non Causal Representation Spectral factorization, Image Decomposition


Image Enhancement and Restoration: Point Operation, Histogram Modeling, Spatial Operations, Transform Operations. MultiSpeciral Image Enhancement. Image Observation Models, Inverse and Wiener Filtering FIR wiener Filters, Filtering using Image Transform Casual Models and recursive filtering Maximum entropy restoration. Extrapolation of band limited signal.


Image Analysis and Image Compression: Spatial feature extraction, Edge detection and boundary extraction boundary, region and moment representations structures, Texture, Image Segmentation, Reconstruction from Projections, Pixel Coding, Productive Techniques, Transform Coding Theory, Coding of Image, Coding of two-tone image.

Note:- There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Anil Jain: Digital Image Processing


Gonzalez Woods: Image Processing

Unix & Linux Programming


(Departmental Elective - III)

L T P Theory : 75

3 1 - Sessional : 25


Linux Startup: User accounts, accessing Linux – starting and shutting processes, Logging in and Logging out, Command Line, simple commands.

Shell Programming: Unix file system: Linux/Unix files, I-nodes and structure and file system related commands, Shell as command processor, shell variables, creating command substitution, scripts, functions, conditionals, loops, customizing environment.


Regular Expressions and Filters: Introducing regular expressions patterns, syntax, character classes, quantifiers, introduction to egrep, sed, programming with awk and perl.


The C Environment: The C compiler, vi editor, compiler options, managing projects, memory management, use of makefiles, dependency calculations, memory management – dynamic and static memory, building and using static and dynamic libraries, using ldd, soname, dynamic loader, debugging with gdb.


Processes in Linux : Processes, starting and stopping processes, initialization processes, re and init files, job control – at, batch, cron, time, network files, security, privileges, authentication, password administration, archiving, Signals and signal handlers, Linux I/O system.

Note:- There will be 8 questions an all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



John Goerzen: Linux Programming Bible, IDG Books, New Delhi, 2000.


Sumitabha Das: Your Unix – The Ultimate Guide, TMH, 2000.


Mathew Professional Linux Programming, vol. 1 & 2, Wrox-Shroff, 2001.


Welsh & Kaufimanm Running Linux, O’Relley & Associates, 2000.

Security and Cryptography

CSE-473 Theory : 75

L T P Sessional : 50

3 1 -


Traditional Cryptography: Crypto analysis, substitution and transposition ciphers, eryptographic principles, secret-key algorithms: DES, DES chaining, Breaking DES, IDEA, Differential and Linear crypto analysis Public-key algorithms: RSA, Knapsack.


Authentication protocols: KDC protocols, shared secret key, Diffle-Hellman key exchange, Needham-n Schroeder protocol, Using Kerbros, interlock protocol, digital signatures-Secret key and public key signatures, DSS, message digest, MD5 and Secure Hash algorithms.


Computer security Mechanisms: Role of different security mechanisms, passwords-technology and administration, principles of database system security, epidemic of viruses: types of viruses, study of different virus codes, means of spread, prevention from virus. Life cycle of a virus, immunization, Trojan horse and bombs with examples, writing antivirus/ Trojan codes.


Network security: Basics, Security Function, preventing loss and damage, securing local area network-authorization, security plan and policy, Securing enterprise network-setting priorities, Security plans, securing network components, hardware security, levels of access control and authorization.

Note:- There will be 8 questions an all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.



Richard H.Backer, Network Security, Mcgraw Hill International Ed. 1996


D.Schneier, Applied Cryptography, John Wiley, New York, 1996


C.Kaufman et. AI, Network Security, Prentice Hall International, 1998

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*Departmental Elective:1.
CSE-320 Digital Signal Processing

CSE-321 Multimedia Technique

CSE-322 Graph Theory & Combinations

CSE-323 Logic of Programming

5.CSE-324 Advanced Database Systems

6.CSE-325 Parallel Computing

CSE-324 Advanced Database Systems

L T P Theory : 100 Marks

3 2 - Sessional : 50 Marks

Unit 1.

Parallel & Distributed Databases

Architecture for parallel databases, Parallel query evaluation. parallel individual operations. parallel query optimization Introduction to distributed databases. distributed DBMS architectures. storing data in a distributed DBMS. distributed catalog management, distributed query processing. updating distributed data. introduction to distributed transactions. distributed concurrency control. recovery.

Unit 2.

Data Mining

Introduction, counting co-occurrences, mining for rules, tree structured rules. clustering, similarity search over sequences.

Unit 3.

Object Database Systems

User defined ADT. structured types. objects & reference types. inheritance. design for an ORDBMS. challenges in implementing an ORDBMS. ORDBMS. comparison of RDBMS with OODBMS & ORDBMS.

Unit 4.

Advanced Topics

Advanced transaction processing. integrated access to multiple data source. mobile databases main memory databases. multimedia databases. GIS. temporal & sequence databases.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students arc required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit


1. R. Ramakrishnan & J. Gehrks Database Management Systems: MGH.

International Ed. 2000.

2.Korth. Silberschatz. Sudcrshan: Data Base concepts. MGH. 2001.

3. C.I. Date. Database Systems:. 7th Ed.. Addison Wesley. Pearson Education.


Mobile Computing


L T P Theory : 100 Marks

4 2 - Sessional : 50 Marks

Unit 1.

Introduction: Challenges in mobile computing. coping with uncertainties. Resource poorness, bandwidth, etc. Cellular architecture. co-channel interference. Frequency


euse, capacity increase by cell splitting. Evolution of mobile system: CDMA.


Mobility Management: Cellular architecture. Co-channel interference. Mobility: handoff. types ofhandoffs; location management. HLR-VLR scheme. Hierarchical scheme. Predictive location management schemes. Mobile IP. cellular IP.

Unit 2.

Publishing & Accessing Data in Air: Pull and push based data delivery models. data dissemination by broadcast, broadcast disks. Directory service in air. Energy efficient indexing scheme for push based data delivery.

File System Support for Mobility: Distributed file sharing for mobility support. Coda and other storage manager for mobility support

Unit 3.

Ad-hoc Network Routing Protocols: Ad hoc network routing protocols. destination sequenced distance vector algorithm. cluster based gateway switch routing. global state routing. Fish-eye state routing. Dynamic source routing, ad hoc on-demand routing, location aided routing. zonal routing algorithm.

Unit 4. .

Mobile Transaction and Commerce: Models for mobile transaction. Kangaroo al1d Joey transactions, team transaction. Recovery model for mobile: transactions. Electronic payment and protocols for mobile commerce.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit


1. Mobility: Processes. Computers. and Agcnts. Dejan Milojicic. I-'rederick Douglis.

Richard Wheeler, Addison- Wesley Protess,ional; I st edition (April 19. 1999).

2. Ivan Stojmenovic' (Editor). Handbook of Wireles5 Networks and Mobile

Computing . Wiley, ISBN: 0-471-41902-8. February 2002 .

3. Yi-Bing Lin & Imrich Chlamtac. "Wireless and Mobile Networks Architectures".

John Wiley & Sons. 2001.

4. Raj Pandya. "Mobile and Personal Communication systems and services".

Prentice Hall of India. 200 I.

CSE-304 Computer Hardware Technology

L T P Theory : 100 Marks

4 1 - Sessional : 25 Marks

Unit 1.


Memory, memory chips. & Modules, memory types, advanced memory technologies. Troubleshooting memory.

Power Supply

Power supply function and operation, power supply quality an&-: specification, power protection and back up. backup power system: UPS; troubleshooting power supply.

Unit 2.


PC family tree, motherboard controllers and system resources. input-output ports. IRQ, I/O bus system: ISA. MCA, EISA. VESA local bus. PCI. AGP. PCIX; 011 board

I/O devices, ROMBIOS, ROM POST. CMOS setup.

Unit 3

Interfaces and I/O Ports

Floppy disk interface:IDE interface: ATA standards, master-slave configuration. data transfer mode: SCSI interface: SCSI bus. SCSI standards: which is better SCSI or IDE: serial ports. parallel ports. USB. Video adapters. Troubleshooting video adapters.

Unit 4.

Device drives and peripherals

Floppy disk drive, hard disk drive, CD ROM drive, DVD ROM drive. Record able drives, keyboards, mice, printers and monitors, tro~lble-shootil1g drives and peripherals.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit



Craig Zacker & .John Rourtrc: PC Hardware- The complete reference


Mark Minosi: The complete PC Upgrade & Maintenance Guide



S.K. Chauhan: PC Upgrading. Maintenance and troubleshooting guide

Network Management and Security (CSE-306)

L T P Theory: 100 Marks

4 1 - Sessional: 50 Marks

Unit 1.

Introduction: need and basic goals for computer security. Security threats etc. Cryptographic building blocks: symmetric and asymmetric key cryptograph). Cryptographic hash functions, digital signature schemes etc. With representative applications for each.

Unit 2.

Operating System Security: low-level protection mechanisms, access control: models for access control. some confidentiality, integrity, and hybrid models of access control such as Bell-La Padula. Biba. Chinese Wall etc. Discretionary v/s mandatory access control.

Case Studies: Java access control policy specifications, SELinux security model

and implementation. Program flaws: bugs which have security implications such as buffer overflows, race conditions etc.

Unit 3.

Malicious code: viruses, Worms, Trojan horses: how they work and how to defend against them.

Network Security: problems in network security; kinds of attacks. PKI. Key exchange protocols, example protocols such as PGP. Kerberos, IPSECIVPN. SSL. S/MIME etc.

Unit 4.

Protocol vulnerabilities: examples or protocol vulnerabilities such as in TCP/IP. Denial of service attacks, etc.

Tools for network security such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit


Michael E. Whitman & Herbert J. Mattord. Principles of Information Security.

Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

William Stalling "Cryptography and Network Security" Pearson Education.

Charcls P. Pfleegcr "Security in Computing" Prentice Hall.

Jeff Crume "Inside Internet Security" Addison Wesley.

CSE-308 Software Engineering

L T P Theory : 100 Marks

4 1 - Sessional : 25 Marks

Unit 1.Software and Software engineering- Software characteristics, software crisis, software engineering paradigm.

Planning a software project-software cost estimation, project scheduling. Personal planning. Team structure.

Unit 2 Software configuration management. quality assurance. project monitoring. risk management.Software requirement analysis- structured analysis, object oriented analysis and data modeling. software requirement specification, validation,

Unit 3.Design and implementation of software - software design fundamentals. design methodology (structured design and object oriented design). design verification, monitoring and control coding.

Software reliability: metric and specification. fault avoidance and tolerance. exception handling, defensive programming.

Unit 4.Testing - Testing fundamentals. white box and black box testing software testing software testing strategies: unit testing. integration testing. validation testing. system testing. debugging.

Software Maintenance -- maintenance characteristics. maintainability. maintenance tasks. maintenance side effects.CASE tools.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.


1. Pressman S.Rogcr, Software Engineering. 'Tata McGraw-Hill

2, Jalote Pankaj, An integrated approach to software engineering .Narosa Publishing


3. Sommerville Ian. Software Engineering. 5th ed., Addison Wesley-2000

4. Fairley Richard, Software. Software Engineering Concepts. Tata Mcgraw-Hill

CSE-312 Computer Hardware & Troubleshooting (Pr.)

L T P Practical : 50 Marks

- - 3 Sessional : 50 Marks

I. To solder and de-solder various components.

2. To check and measure various supply voltages of Pc.

3. To make comparative study of motherboards: 386,486, PI. PII. PIII.

4. To observe and study various cables, connections and parts used in computer


5. To study various cards used in a system viz. display card, LA1'rbrd etc.

6. To remove, study and replace Floppy disk drive.

7. To remove, study and replace hard disk.

8. To remove, study and replace CD ROM drive.

9. To study monitor, its circuitry and various presets and some elementary fault


10. To study printer assembly and elementary fault detection of DMP and laser


11.To observe various cables and connectors used in networking.

12.To study pa!1S of keyboard and mouse.

13.To assemble a Pc.

14.Troubleshooting exercises related to various components of computer like

monitor. drives, memory, and printers etc.



Mark Mines Complete PC upgrade & maintenance guide, BPB publications.


Craig Zacker & John Rouske, PC Hard ware: The Complete Reference. TMH.


Scott Mueller, Upgrading and Repairing PCs, PHI, 1999

CSE-314 Mobile Computing (Pr.)

L T P Practical : 50 Marks

- - 3 Sessional : 50 Marks

1. Design a prototype that implements the Cache management for a mobile

computing environment?

2. Design a System: The challenges or developing high performance. high reliability. and high quality software systems arc too much for ad hoc and informal engineering techniques that might have worked in the past on less demanding systems. New techniques for managing these growing complexities are required to meet today's time-to-market. productivity and quality demands.

3. Peer-to-peer communication system: As computers become more pervasive and homes become better connected. a new generation of applications will be deployed over the Internet. In this model. peer-to-peer applications become very attractive because they improve scalability and enhance performance by enabling direct and real-time communication among the peers. We need to propose a decentralized management system that manages the peer-to-peer applications and the system resources in an integrated way: monitors the behavior of the peer-to-peer applications transparently and obtains accurate resource projections. Manages the connections between the peers and distributes the objects in response to the user requests and changing processing and networking conditions.


Write programs that implement the few sorting algorithms (bubble,selection, etc.)for

n data. It stops the operation when the counter for sorting index is at 100, 1000. 10000 and so on, stores the contents of the registers, program counter and partially sorted list of data, etc. It resumes the operation after 30 sec from the point of the termination.

5. Write a program that implements the bubble sort for n data. It stops the operation when the counter for sorting index is at 100, 1000, 10000. and so on. Stores the contents of the registers, program counter and partially sorted list of data. etc. It transfers the code and data - across the network on the new destination and resumes the operation from the point of termination on the previous node. Finally the result from the last node in the itinerary is sent back to the process-initiating node.

6. Develop a prototype that perform parallel computation of the same task on different nodes. Finally process initiator (master node)- receive Yes the result It and computation time required to complete the task on an each node and displays to the user. Compare the computing power of different nodes.


1. Mobility: Processes, Computers. and Agents. Dejan Milojieie. federick

Douglis, Richard Wheeler, Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (April

19, 1999).

2. Ivan Stojmenovic' (Editor), Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile

Computingm. Wiley, ISBN: 0-471-41902-8, February 2002

3. Core Java Volume I and II from Sun Micro Systems.

4. Huges. Java Networking, Hut Publication. Pune


Java 2: The Complete Reference 4/c: Herbert Schildt, TMH Delhi.


Java Beans Programming from the Ground Up: Joseph Q'Neil, TMH. Delhi


Java Servlets: Application Development; Karl Moss. TMH, Delhi.

CSE-316 Software Engineering (Pr.)

L T P Theory : 50 Marks

- - 3 Sessional : 50 Marks

1. (i) Implement Receipt Acknowledgement and updation of Inventory (RAUP)

a) Find unadjusted Functional points (UFP)

b) Calculate FPC by Mark II Method

(ii) To estimate effort and schedule

Calculate the compression factor and the manpower required based on given

information of software.

2. Suggest an action plan for the following risks without compromising the

project, process or product parameters

a) Language skills inadequate in two people in a team of five.

b) Specially ordered hardware and software likely to be delivered three

Months late.

c) Customer and end user not convinced on new technology implementation

as a correct choice.

d) Software required interface with other technologies on which the project team has

no experience.

3. Implement a Testing strategy for the following software development cases:

(a) Rule based deterministic closed large but simple payroll system for a


(b) Development or a customer relation management system lor a retail

distribution chain. The retail organization is not sure about the scope, and failure


(c) Modification to existing order processing system for a multi location,multi-product


4. Build a work breakdown structure for the following

a) Delivery orthe software, initiation to development covering lifecycle.

b) Development of prototype

c) Development of a process for a function

5. In a hospital management system develop the following diagrams for a Ward Service

Management System (SMW).

(a) Work Flow

(b) System Flow

(c) DFD

Develop on effective modular design of SMW using these diagrams.

6. Draw three level DFD’s for CLPS. Modl1larize the CLPS and structure them

top-down as functional model.

7. Conduct a task analysis for the following users:

(a) officer at railway ticket reservation window

(b) officer at insurance claim settlement desk.

(c) clerk at call center. answering queries of customers who have purchased

cars from the company.


Based on the business model of DEL develop a modular structure for a business

system model. Draw a complete system flowchart.



W. S. Jawadekar, Software Engineering Principle and Approaches. TMH. 2004.


Pressman S.Roger. Software Engineering. Tata McGraw-Hill

3. Jalote Pankaj. An integrated approach to software engineering. Narosa Publishing


4. Sommerville Lan. Software Engineering. 5th ed. Addison Wesley-2000

5. Fairley Richard, Software. Software Engineering Concepts. Tala McGraw-Hill

CSE-321 Multimedia Techniques(Department Elective I)

L T P Theory : 100 Marks

3 2 - Sessional : 50 Marks

Unit 1.

Basics of Multimedia Technology

Computers, Communication and Entertainment: Multimedia -An introduction: Framework for multimedia systems; multimedia devices CD Audio. CD-ROM. CD-I: presentation devices and the user interface; multimedia presentation and authoring; professional development tools: LANs & multimedia. Internet, World Wide Web & Multimedia; distribution network ATM & ADSL; multimedia servers & databases: vector graphics; 3-D graphics programs; animation techniques; shading; anti-aliasing; morphing: video on demand

Unit 2.

Image Compression & Standards

Making still images: editing and capturing images; scanning images; computer color models: color palettes; vector drawing; 3-D drawing and rendering; JPEG-objectives and architecture: JPEG-DCT encoding and quantization, JPEG statistical coding; JPEG predictive loss less coding; JPEG performance; Overview of other image file formats as GIF, TIFF. BMP. PNG etc.

Unit 3.

Audio & Video

Digital representation of sound: time domain sampled representation; method of encoding the analog signals; sub-band coding; Fourier method: transmission of digital sound; digital audio signal processing; stereophonic & quadraphonic signal processing; editing sampled sound: MPEG Audio; audio compression & decompression: brief survey of speech recognition and generation; audio synthesis; Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI); digital video and image Compression; MPEG Motion video compression standard; DVI technology: time based media representation and delivery.

Unit 4.

Virtual Reality

Applications of multimedia, Intelligent multimedia system, Desktop Virtual Reality (VR). VR operating System, Virtual environment displays and orientation tracking; visually coupled system requirements; intelligent VR software systems.

Applications of environments in various fields viz. Entertainment. manufacturing. Business, education, etc.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit



Villamil & Molina Multimedia: An Introduction. PHI.


Lozano. Multimedia: Sound & Video PHI.

3. Villamil & Molina Multimedia: Production. Planning and Delivery, PHI

4. Sinclair. Multimedia on the Pc. BPB.

5. Tay Vaughan. Multimedia :Making it work. TMH

CSE-322 Graph Theory & Combinatorics (Department Elective I)

L T P Theory : 100 Marks

3 2 - Sessional : 50 Marks

Unit 1.


Basic concepts, sub graphs, vertex, degrees. walks. paths, circuits, cycles, trees. spanning trees, cut vertices and cut edges. connectivity, Euler tours and Hamiltonian cycles. matching perfect matching, connectivity. and

separability, network flows. I-isomorphism and 2-isomorphism.

Unit 2.

Advanced Features

Vertex coloring, chromatic polynomial. edge coloring, planar and non-planar graphs. Euler's formula Kuratowski's theorem. test for planarity. directed graphs. tournaments, networks. max now, min cut theorems. graph enumeration, Polya's counting theorem.

Unit 3.

Graph Algorithms

Computer representation of graph. shortest path algorithms, minimal spanning tree. fundamental circuit. depth first search. planarity testing. directed circuits. isomorphism. performance of graph theoretic algorithms.

Unit 4.


Basic combination numbers. recurrence relations. generating functions. multinomial. counting principles, Polya' s theorem, inclusion and exclusion principles. block design and error correcting codes, Hadamard matrices, finite geometry.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit


1. Deo N.: Graph Theory and Applications. Prentice Hall

2. D.B.West: Introduction to Graph Theory. Prentice Hall


S.A.Choudum: A First Course in Graph Theory, MacMillan [India]


V.Krishnamurthy: Combinatorics-- Theory and Applications. Affiliated East-West


Alan Tucker: Applied combinatories. Wiley. .

CSE-323 Logic of Programming (Departmental Elective I)

L T P Theory : 100 Marks

3 2 - Sessional : 50 Marks

Unit 1.


Propositions. Tautologies, Precedence rules. System definition. J~easoning using Transformations. Formal Systems, Axioms, Inference Rules. Predicates. Quantification, Free and bound identifiers. Data Values & Types. Generators. semantic definitions of functions. Generator Induction, defined ness condition.

Unit 2.


Predicate Transformers, various commands. Alternative and Iterative commands. Procedure call, The characterization of semantics. The semantic characterization of programming language. Two Theorems. Design of Properly terminating constructs. Euclid's Algorithms.. Interrupts. spin locks.

Unit 3.

Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)

Parallel commands. Co routines. Subroutines and data representation. monitors and scheduling. Integer semaphore. Dining Philosophers Problcm

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. At least two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit



David Cries. The Science of Programming. Narosa Publishing House


E.W..Dijkstra. A Discipline of Programming PHI

3. Hoare and .lones, Essays in Computing Science, TMH.

CSE-324 Advanced Database Systems (Departmental Elective I)

L T P Theory : 100 Marks

3 2 - Sessional : 50 Marks

Unit 1.

Parallel & Distributed Databases

Architecture for parallel databases, Parallel query evaluation. parallel individual operations. parallel query optimization Introduction to distributed databases. distributed DBMS architectures. storing data in a distributed DBMS. distributed catalog management, distributed query processing. updating distributed data. introduction to distributed transactions. distributed concurrency control. recovery.

Unit 2.

Data Mining

Introduction, counting co-occurrences, mining for rules, tree structured rules. clustering, similarity search over sequences.

Unit 3.

Object Database Systems

User defined ADT. structured types. objects & reference types. inheritance. design for an ORDBMS. challenges in implementing an ORDBMS. ORDBMS. comparison of RDBMS with OODBMS & ORDBMS.

Unit 4.

Advanced Topics

Advanced transaction processing. integrated access to multiple data source. mobile databases main memory databases. multimedia databases. GIS. temporal & sequence databases.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students arc required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit


1. R. Ramakrishnan & J. Gehrks Database Management Systems: MGH.

International Ed. 2000.

2.Korth. Silberschatz. Sudcrshan: Data Base concepts. MGH. 2001.

3. C.I. Date. Database Systems:. 7th Ed.. Addison Wesley. Pearson Education.


CSE-325 Parallel Computing (Departmental Elective I)

L T P Theory : 100 Marks

3 2 - Sessional : 50 Marks

Unit 1.

Introduction: Paradigms of parallel computing: Synchronous - vector/array. SIMD, Systolic; Asynchronous - MIMD, reduction paradigm.

Hardware taxonomy: Flynn's classifications, Handler's classifications.

Software taxonomy: Kung's taxonomy. SPMD.

Unit 2.

Abstract parallel computational models: Combinational circuits, Sorting network. PRAM models, Interconnection RAMs. Parallelism approaches - data parallelism, control parallel ism

Performance Metrics: Laws governing performance measurements. Metrics speedups, efficiency. utilization. communication overheads. single/multiple program performances. bench marks.

Unit 3.

Parallel Processors: Taxonomy and topology - shared memory multiprocessors, distributed memory networks. Processor organization - Static and dynamic interconnections. Embeddings and simulations.

Parallel Programming: Shared memory programming. distributed memory programming, object oriented programming, data parallel programming. functional and dataflow programming.

Unit 4.

Scheduling and Parallelization: Scheduling parallel programs. Loop scheduling. Parallelization of sequential programs. Parallel programming support environments.

Note: - There will be 8 questions in all. Two Questions will be set from each unit. Students are required to attempt five questions selecting at least one question from each unit.


1. M. J. Quinn. Parallel Computing: Theory and Practice. McGraw Hill. New


2. T. G. Lewis and H. EI-Rewini. Introduction to Parallel Computing. Prentice Hall,

New Jersey, 1992. .

3. T. G. Lewis. Parallel Programming: A Machine-Independent Approach, 1EEE

Computer Society Press, Los A lamitos, 1994

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